
Gabriele Goria

martial arts, meditation, theatre and illustrations

Weekend di camminate e pratiche meditative ai piedi del Monviso – 15 e 16 giugno

Care amiche e amici,

un caloroso benvenuto a questa nuova esperienza! Le iscrizioni sono aperte, al numero: +393403945389 (Whatsapp). Spargete l’invito, se potete!

Corso online in italiano sulla pratica cinese Pa Tuan Chin

Dal 3 aprile al 22 maggio 2024, ogni mercoledì, ore 21:00: 8 lezioni in italiano sulla pratica cinese Pa Tuan Chin. Non perdetele!!!

Iscrizioni e informazioni:

Guided meditations – Meditazioni guidate

Welcome on the last Saturday of every month! Info and registrations:

Coming workshop at Virgiinia, Helsinki

Waidan Qigong – or Qigong of the ‘external elixir’ –is a Chinese term collecting a vast array of practices which share one peculiarity: focus and vitality originate in the body’s extremities first. This characteristic allows the connection between body, breath and mind to become a tangible experience with spontaneity and ease. Situated at the intersection of meditation and conditioning training, Waidan Qigong supports awareness and concentration, increasing strength, resilience, thermoregulation, health, and muscular tone.

This three-day-workshop is addressed both to beginners and to advanced practitioners of all ages. Among the various practices in the workshop: the five relaxations (Wu Song) by Sifu Jiang Yu Shan, the ancient Baduanjin series (Eight Pieces of Brocade) in the tradition of Grandmaster Chang Dsu Yao, fundamental ‘iron palm’ technique (Tie Sha Zhang), and the twelve exercises attributed to legendary Da Mo (Da Mo Yi Jin Jing), as transmitted by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming.

Warmly welcome!

When: Friday 24.5 at 16-20, Saturday 25.5 at 10-16, and Sunday 26.5 at 11-17

Where: studio Virgiinia – Karjalankatu 2, Helsinki

Price: 180 euros (160 euros: Earlybird price before April 30th)

Info and registrations:

Languages: English & Finnish


Gabriele Goria

Martial artist, actor, theatre pedagogue and illustrator, Gabriele has practised Kung Fu for over three decades. Gabriele teaches Tai Chi, Shaolin Kung Fu and meditation at the University of the Arts (Helsinki), alternating his artistic production with workshops and seminars in various institutes for adult education and interfaith studies in Finland and Italy. Anchored in the dialogue between art and spirituality, Gabriele’s work explores the interdependent relationship between introspection and creative expression. He keeps developing his research as a Doctoral Candidate at the Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke).


Coming courses at Helsingin Aikuisopisto

Dear friends, I am excited to invite you to my coming courses at Helsingin Aikuisopisto: registrations are open at the links below.

Warmly welcome!

Kung Fu:…/fi/course/174257

Tai Chi:…/fi/course/174447

Meditative hiking in the Alps – February 9th-13th 2024

Dear friends,
I am glad to announce that between 9th-13th of February 2024 I will guide an experience of meditative hiking – and much more!!! – at the beautiful monastery Certosa di Pesio (Cuneo), in the Italian Alps. You are warmly welcome to join me in this unique adventure, which will offer meditative walks in the mountains, vipassana meditation, Pa Tuan Chin, breathwork, and cold baths under icy waterfalls (not compulsory, of course, but possible for the eager lovers of cold exposure 😉), Tai Chi, and other practices!

The participation fee to the retreat is 350 € – full board accommodation (from Friday’s dinner to Tuesday’s lunch). We will get packed lunches, to allow the hiking.

Rooms with two beds, and toilets.

The meeting point will be at Certosa di Pesio – Chiusa di Pesio (Cuneo), on Friday 9th February at 17:00. For the people coming from abroad, we will arrange free car rides from Torino to the meeting point, and back. The retreat will end on Tuesday 12th February at 17:00.

What to bring: winter clothing for the hiking, comfortable clothing for the indoor practices, snowshoes, bed sheets, pillow cases and towels. If you like, you can bring also a yoga mat, or any prop you wish for the sitting meditations.

The deadline for the registrations is the end of November. By that date, it is necessary to make a deposit of 50 €. The remaining 300 € will be collected cash at the retreat.

Info and registrations: Gabriele –

Meditazioni Estive – Summer Meditations

(English below)

Care amiche e cari amici,

rispondendo al desiderio di vari partecipanti ai miei ritiri e seminari, sono lieto di offrirvi una serie di incontri gratuiti via Zoom a sostegno della pratica meditativa durante l’estate.

Voglio inoltre aprire questa opportunità a chiunque desideri avvicinarsi alle pratiche Anapana, Vipassana e Metta-Bhavana. Per il loro pragmatismo, queste semplicissime tecniche non richiedono di abbracciare alcuna tradizione spirituale o filosofica, e diventano utili strumenti per allenare la concentrazione, l’introspezione, e la capacità di relazionarsi amorevolmente con sé ed il mondo.

Vi chiedo perciò la gentilezza di spargere l’invito tra amici e conoscenti: che il maggior numero di persone possa trarre beneficio da questa occasione!

Gli incontri saranno guidati in maniera progressiva, introducendo i punti essenziali delle tre pratiche un poco alla volta, e consentendo a chi è già esperto di curare la qualità della propria meditazione. Ci troveremo su Zoom ogni mercoledì sera alle 19:30-20:30 (ora italiana), a partire dal 19.7.2023, fino a data da concordare.

Attenzione: per ricevere i link agli incontri è necessario registrarsi (una sola volta per tutta la serie), confermando il vostro interesse via email a:

A presto!



Dear friends,

Answering the wishes of various participants in my retreats and seminars, I am glad to offer you a series of free meetings on Zoom – if you live in Helsinki you are also welcome to the live sessions in Käpylä! – to support our meditation practice throughout summer.

I also want to open this opportunity to anyone who wishes to familiarize with the practices of Anapana, Vipassana and Metta-Bhavana. Because of their pragmatism, these simple techniques do not require to embrace any spiritual or philosophical tradition, and become useful tools for training concentration, introspection, and the skill of engaging in a loving relationship with yourselves and the world.

Therefore, I ask you the courtesy to spread the invitation among friends and acquaintances: may the largest number of people benefit from this opportunity!

The meetings will be guided progressively, introducing the basics of the three practices little by little, and allowing the people who are already experienced to take care of the quality of their meditation. We will meet on Zoom every Wednesday evening at 20:30-21:30 (Finnish time zone), starting from 19.7.2023, until further notice.

Attention: in order to receive the links to the meetings you have to register (once for the whole series), by confirming your interest by email at:

See you soon!


Summer 2023 – outdoor courses in Helsinki

Dear friends,
I am happy to announce that after a short break (between June 17th and 27th), four outdoor courses will happen in Töölönlahti (in the park beside the Opera) throughout the summer, starting from June 29th.

For registrations and other info, please contact me at: 

– Kung Fu for kids (age 6-10): on Tuesdays at 17:30-18:30.
This course provides a playful introduction to the basics of Kung Fu, including defences and attacks, postural training, coordination, reflexes and awareness exercises.
Teacher: Gabriele Goria
Price: 5 euros per lesson.

– Taiji Quan: on Thursdays at 17:30-19:30.
Taiji Quan is a soft and profound practice, enhancing good health and longevity, including the aspects of self-defence and dynamic meditation. Along with the elegant and accurate long form of Taiji Yang style, we will practise breathwork (qigong), partner training, postural training, and the traditional gymnastics Baduanjin.
Teacher: Gabriele Goria
Price: 5 euros per lesson.

– Shaolin Quan: on Saturdays at 11:30-13:30.
Shaolin Quan is an ancient Chinese martial art, enhancing dynamic power, balance, coordination and flexibility. Here we will practise the fundamental techniques in the tradition of renowned Master Chang Dsu Yao – including postural training, bare-hand forms and stick training, as well as pair exercises.
Teacher: Gabriele Goria
Price: 5 euros per lesson.

– Hojo Undo: on Sundays at 11:30-13:30.
Hojo Undo is the Japanese definition for a rich variety of conditioning exercises, which are mainly used in martial arts to strengthen body and mind, increasing stamina, resilience, coordination, and much more.  Drawing from Karate, Kung Fu, Qigong, and other related practices, we will provide a complete workout, suitable both for beginners, as well as for martial artists and movement artists of all levels and traditions.
Teachers: Gabriele Goria & Giangabriele Casci
Price: 5 euros per lesson.

Languages: English, Suomi, Italiano

We will train under any weather conditions: please, dress accordingly!

Feel free to spread the news, and warmly welcome!

Hojo Undo – free workshop in Helsinki on June 11th 2023

Dear friends,

I am excited to invite you to this free workshop!

Hojo Undo is the Japanese definition for a rich variety of conditioning exercises, which are mainly used in martial arts to strengthen body and mind, increasing stamina, resilience, coordination, and much more.

Drawing from Karate, Kung Fu, Qigong, and other related practices, we will provide a complete workout, suitable both for beginners, as well as for martial artists and movement artists of all levels and traditions.

After this free workshop, an in-depth course on this same topic will start in July.

Feel free to share and invite friends, and warmly welcome!

Gabriele Goria (Shaolin Quan & Taiji Quan)
Giangabriele Casci (Karate)

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